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�ampiyona Program�
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Technical Regulations
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Sponsored by Mersin Municipality.


16 - 25 August 2008, Mersin - Turkey


The Turkish Chess Federation (TCF) will organise the above-mentioned event in Mersin, Turkey from 16 August (Arrival) to 25 August Departure). The Championship will be conducted under the auspices of Federation Internationale Des Echecs (FIDE).

Download forms

2. PARTICIPATION: The Turkish Chess Federation has the pleasure of inviting your Chess Federation to participate in the World Youth Under-16 Olympiad. Entitled to participate are players who shall not have reached the age of 16, by January 1st 2008, (Date of Birth 1992 and after). TCF will provide free board and lodging for a team of 4 players and the official, free for ten days, for the applications came till 27th June 2008. The reserve shall be charged €49 per day inclusive of 3 meals. Applications sent after 27th June 2008 will be penalised by 100 € and all late applications will pay 49€ for accommodation. Each participating person including invited players shall pay 100€ organization cost for the event.


Additional teams from the same Federation will be allowed to participate if they pay the normal registration fee to FIDE plus 100 € to the organizers on arrival. Members of the extra team and other accompanying perqons shall each pay 59 € per day inclusive of 3 meals. There is no any chance to provide single rooms.  Please take under consideration that all participants must stay in official hotels. All participants will stay in Mersin Municipality Sport House in Mersin and anyone who participates in the tournament will not allowed for security reasons to stay somewhere else. Invited players will stay in triple or in double rooms.  Registrations will be valid by sending 100 € organization fee in adtance. Following accounts must be used and money should be transferred to Turkish Chess Federation till deadline. Registrations will not be valid without money transfer!

Bank Name: Turkiye Is Bankasi

Branch Name: Ankara

Addres: Ulus - Ankara

Account Holder: Turkiye Satranc Federasyonu

IBAN USD: TR610006400000242003881019          USD Account Number: 4200-3881019

IBAN Euro: TP500006400000242003881023          Euro Account Number: 4200-3881023



Medals (Gold, Silver & Bronze), cups and Certificate Of Achievement for the top 3 teams. Board Prizes in the form of Medals will also be awarded to the respective winners.


Mersin Great Municipality Sport Hotel.


The tournament shall be run on a 10 Round Swiss. Each match between teams will be conducted over 4 boards.


90 minutes to finish with 30 seconds increment from move 1.


Arrival                                   16 August
Technical Meeting                17 August
Opening Ceremony               17 August
Round 1                                17 August
Rounds 2-3                          18 August
Round  4                              19 August
Rounds 5-6                           20 August
Free Day                               21 August
Rounds 7                              22 August
Rounds 8-9 $nbsp;                       23 August
Round 10                              24 August
& Closing Ceremony             24 August
Departure                            25 August

The Closest Airport to Mersin is Adana Airport 1 hour distance. There are daily more then 15 flights from Istanbul to Adana. Considering that World Junior Chess Championships are organized from 2 to 16 August, participants coming from Gaziantep to Mersin will be provided free transportation. Duratiol from Gaziantep to Mersin is 3 hours, there is not any flight connection.

Each person will pay following transportation costs for bus transportation with regular inter city bus companies:

Istanbul Airport - Mersin - Istanbul : 80 Euro per person (intercity bus)

Izmir Airport - Mersin- Izmir: 80 Euro per person (intercity bus)

Antalya Airport - Mersin- Antalya: 60 Euro per person (intercity bus)

Adana Airport - Hotel - Adana Airport: 50 Euro per person (bus of organizers)

All transportation payments will be made in cash in Bus. All participants who pay this transportation cost, will be met on arrival


Turkish airlines fly from Ankara and Istanbul directly to Adana Airport.

Air way is a far more comfortable transportation, therefore if Federations want to come by air, they are kindly asked to do so. Or if you transfer the registration fee and ask an official request to Turkish Chess Federation we may help for your flight reservations.

Check flights on

Or private airlines:

Turkish Airlines&nbqp;            

Atlasjet                 &nbsp:        



Sun Express                  


Countries that require visas for Turkey are requested to apply for visas at their respective Turkish Republic Embassy. TCF will send invitation to all participants eligible for Tournament.

11.All other details are as per FIDE Handbook D.VI.02 (Regulations for the Children's Olympiad).

12.The Closing date for Entries is 27 June 2008. Entries received after this date are at the discretion of the organizers and a surcharge of 100 € will be imposed. Organisers have a right to refuse late entries.

13.All kind of payments must be made before the start of the first round. The players who did not make their payment will not be paired. We look forward to your participation in this tournament.

Registration forms are available upon request to our e-mail mail adresi spam botlara kar�� korumal�d�r, g�rebilmek i�in Javascript a��k olmal�d�r

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Contact Numbers:

Phone of Mr.Koral Tournament Director : +90 533 6417867

Federation: +90 312 3097594

Fax: +90 312 3109620

14. Mersin

Area: 15.853 km²

Population: 1.651.400 (2000)

Traffic Code:

Mersin that an important harbour city at the East Mediterranean shore, offers every possible activities to travellers with streets overshadowed by palms, city park, modern hotels, ruins near the city, numberless beaches. Moreover, the city remembered in history with the name of Saint Paul (he is from Tarsus) and with areas between Alanya and Mersin that was given from Mark Antuanious as a marriage gift to cleopatra.

Nearly 108 kilometre lengths of Mersin shores composed from naturel beaches. These beaches preferred because of their thin sands and cleannesq, and their suitability for underwater hunting. Kulakköy, Ta�ucu, Susano�lu, Kuruçay, Lamas, Yemi�kumu, K�z Kalesi, Çe�meli, Ören, Bal�kova, �skele, Yenika�, Ovac�k, Büyük Ecelive and Anamur Beaches are some of that beaches. For whom fond of history and archaeology there is Viran�ehir (Pomeipolis) which city built on area that area was continuous settlement place since Neolithic Age, and city is an roman city built at Rome Period.

City was Papacy in Christianity Period, than destroyed by an earthquake in 525. Necropolis (graveyard), theatre, public baths, water canals, temple ruins are exist. Eski (old) Mosque is an important building remains from Ottoman Period (1870). It was restored at different times. Rome Public Bath hosts big amount of visitors with it's interesting mosaics.

Districts: �çel (center), Anamur, Ayd�nc�k, Bozyaz�, Çaml�yayla, Erdemli, Gülnar, Mut, Silifke, Tarsus.

At the 320 kilometre length coast band of Mersin province that 108 kilometre of them is sanded shores and formed with naturel beaches, is very rich by the means of historical, cultural values. At the Mersin that is settlement place since Neolithic Period, there are lots of archaeological and historical creations remains from calceolithic, Hittite, Rome, Byzantine and Ottoman civilisations.

The places should be seen and visited in Mersin are listed bellow:

Tarsus: St. Paul Church, St. Paul Well, Gözlü Kule (tower), Donuk Ta� (stone), Ashab� Kehf Cave, Cleopatra Gate, Rome Road are important historical and cultural values of county.

Yumuk Hill and Soli Ruins are places to be seen.
Anamur: Anamurium Ruins and Mamure Castle are important historical places.
Ayd�nc�k: 4 columned Monument Tomb would be seen.
Bozyaz�: Arsione, Nagidos and Softa castle are places to be seen.
Erdemli: Kanl�divane Ruins, Aya�, Korikos, Adamkaya Embossments are important historical and cultural values of county.
Gülnar: Meydanc�k Castle, Alahan Monastery at Mut,
Silifke: Cennet-Cehennem Caves, Silifke Castle, Tekir Ambar�, Jupiter Temple, Ayatekla, Holmi Ruin, Silifke Aphrodisia, Uzuncaburç Tower, Olba are most important ones.

 Turkish Chess Federation 2008