Russia defeated Turkey-A 3.5-0.5 ending the hopes of the home side
entirely while leading with 26 points entering the final round. India
defeated Switzerland-A 3,5-0,5 to take the second place. Third place is
occupied by Philippines, who drew with Azerbaijan and has 24 points.
Azerbaijan has 23 points.
Detailed report below.
Ninth round of the World Youth U-16 was a disaster for the top Turkish team after the narrow victory against India since they lost to Russia with 3.5-0.5. It could already be considered miraculous to a Turkish team to play on equal terms against India and Russia on the same day but the talented generation of the Turkish generation played below their level. There were very slight hopes of earning a medal but the last nail for the coffin for the the medal hopes of the Turkish team cam from Russia with wins by IM Shimanov, WFM Bodnaruk and Iljuishenko against FM Yılmaz, Kanmazalp and Sipahioğlu while Fırat hold a worse position against Yaksin.
Kanmazalp had to find the Qe4, Ra1-a4-c4 maneuver without risking anything and to play for the weak pawn but he chose a riskier but still winning strategy of advancing the queen side pawn. Then white made a wrong sacrifice and went on to lose.
Everything looks all right here in the game between Iljuishenko and Sipahioğlu but youngster from Kuşadası failed to find Ng4-Rc8 with slightly better chances for black. There was still nothing to fear but black erred at some moves and lost.
Philippines hold Azerbaijan to a 2-2 draw while the fight of the two GMs were won by Wesley So against Eltaj Safarli displaying the superiority of bishop against knight with a pair of rooks on board. IM Durarbeyli stroke on the second board against Pascua but Mammadov's win against Datu and Garcia's win against Talishzada cancelled each other in the end. Durarbeyli finished elegantly here against 27...h6 by 28.Rf7 hg5 29.Re7 Qe7 30.Qd5.
Mammadov also scored a nice win against Datu by finishing the game with the following tactical shot: 26...Ne3 27.Qa2 [If 27.fe3 then 27...Qh3 28.Qe4 (Qc5 does not change much after 28...Qg3 29.Kf1 Bh4 and Rf6) 28...Qg3 29.Kf1 Bh4] 27... Qh3 0-1
On the third board, India swept off Switzerland-A and now back at fight for top while Georgia scored a crucial win against Armenia by 2.5-1.5. Janiashvili and Nikolashvili scored the wins of their team against Tamazyan and Baghdasaryan while Ter-Sahakyan and Bregadze drew.
England won 3.5-0.5 against Greece by the only draw conceded at the first board by Kilpatrick against Malikentzos.
Slovakia scored a 3-1 victory against Turkey-Mersin by the draws of Turkish U12 Champion Olçum against Mazur and Büyükaşık against Straka. Turkey-B defeated Bosnia Herzegovina with the slightest of margins with 2.5-1.5. İSEM swept of Syria with 4-0 and scored an important victory to be matched up with Phillippines in the final round.
Turkey Girls-A drew with Switzerland-B by first and third board wins versus second and fourth board wins not the part of the Swiss team. Turkey Girls-B team lost against South Africa-B with 3.5-0.5 while Sri Lanka won all the individual encounters against Australia. Turkey-C did the same against Kenya while South Africa-A lost the first board game against Albania but won 3-1 on aggregate.
Stefan Enslin (South Africa)

Alex Grossman (Australia)

Vardanian and Davarashvili (right-Armenia and left-Georgia)

Janiashvili (Georgia)
Vardianian (Armenia)

Syrian team

Taylan Can Tekeli from Turkey-B

Nuri Kambez (Switzerland-A)

Jonathan Rozenthal (Switzerland-A)
FM K Priyadharshan (India)